"Kronosaurus" One of the largest sea reptiles - Media News 48

“Kronosaurus” One of the largest sea reptiles

The Kronosaurus queenslandicus was a prehistoric sea creature that roamed the Earth about 65 million years ago.

A great deal about these creatures is still unknown, but there have been many discoveries in recent years that are helping scientists piece together clues like teeth growth patterns or food preferences.

It has been known as one of the first plesiosaurs with true spine and sail features, which may have helped it to swim more efficiently in deep water where there’s little light or food for other marine life forms such as whales!

It’s name comes from the scientific classification, which identifies it as being part ichthyosaur and part crocodile! The Kronosaurus queenslandicus was a carnivore.

The specimen had bony plates on its neck and tail which were not as hard or thick as other types of turtle shells so they do not make it too difficult for the animal’s movement like some turtles have with their armor plating!

It had a short neck and large head with jaws full of saber teeth! The creature specimen also had frills across its back and short legs so they did not move too fast, but could probably outrun most modern-day dinosaurs if need be because these plesiosaurs were much quicker runners!

One theory about its extinction suggests it became extinct as a result of competition with other dinosaurs, while another proposes climate change to be responsible for their downfall. The Kronosaurus queenslandicus was a fierce meat-eater that lived on land and in the ocean.

The specimen had spikes all over its body, including three large ones near its head to defend against attacks from rival dinosaurs.

The most fascinating thing about this animal though might be how much we still don’t know about them even after several decades of exploring their remains.

It is thought by paleontologists and biologists alike, this animal’s appearance would have had an intimidating effect on any potential prey or rival in order for them not to be eaten.

The pliosaur Kronosaurus dinosaur species were known for their giant size, and in particular, the Kronosaurus skull was about 50% larger than elephants!

The Kronosaurus is a towering creature that lived on Earth millions of years ago. The short-necked specimens of Kronosaurus had tails, and had tough hides to protect them from predators such as Allosaurus.

The Kronosaurus fossil has helped researchers also observe the teeth of Kronosaurus queenslandicus. The discovered fossil of this Cretaceous plesiosaur shows that the Kronosaurus teeth were very sharp and pointed.

Many prey fossil specimens of these marine reptiles or plesiosaurs from the Late Cretaceous period have had bite marks from the very sharp with extreme pointed cutting edges of the Kronosaurus teeth.

It also sported four flippers that had helped paleontologists like Andrew Crombie to see that the body and neck of this Cretaceous pliosaur were relatively short when compared to the stomach contents that were found from within.

In the water, Kronosaurus would have had to compete with other sea creatures for food. It is thought that they most likely ate fish and birds but could also catch smaller dinosaurs or squids in addition if required (or perhaps even crabs).

The K. queenslandicus was a carnivore during the Early Cretaceous period with a short neck that used to live in the water.

It had bony plates on its body with four flippers, but these didn’t grow very large or thick so they weren’t too strong for predators like marinecrocodiles who could easily kill it!

The fossils of these marine reptiles or plesiosaurs species are now preserved in Memoirs of the Queensland Museum near Hughenden, Colombia, and Australia.

The Kronosauruses’ mating was an interesting event to witness.

The male and female would pair off for reproduction, which led them into a life cycle of their own- one where females laid eggs after giving birth in soft nests on landmasses rich with vegetation like kelp stalks or ferns belonging mostly near water sources.

Second, they also ate fish from these same waters if available!

Kronosaurus was among the most aggressive dinosaurs, so it’s no wonder it dominated its ecosystem. Oftentimes there would be two or three Kronosauruses fighting at once!










Ref: thoughtco, prehistoric-wildlife, kidadl, rareresourcePic: kidadl, thoughtco, prehistoric-wildlife, deviantart, australiangeographic, dinosaurpictures, pinterest, wallpaperflare, mcz.harvard, earthsky


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