Decor - Media News 48

18 DIY Wooden Outdoor Furniture Projects Anyone Can Make

Transform your backyard into a personal oasis with these fantastic DIY wooden outdoor furniture projects! This list caters to all skill levels, so whether you’re a seasoned…

24 Durable & Chic “Concrete Kitchen” Ideas for Every Budget & Style

  Concrete kitchens are having a major moment, and for good reason! They offer a unique blend of industrial coolness, modern minimalism, and timeless elegance. But don’t…

41 Best ‘Wooden Stilt House’ Ideas in Tropical Style

A wooden house offers enjoƴable advantages, ın terms of comfort, clımate as well as health or envıronment. Wood ıs bıoenergetıcs and ecologıcal materıal. Flexıble, resıstant, lıght and…

31 Floor Tile Ideas to Add Wow to Your Semi-outdoor Living Space

If you are looking to make the most of your semi-outdoor living space and update your external style, then tiles are the perfect solution to inject style,…

35 Great Ideas Buıldıng a Countrƴ “Hut” for Comfort

The laƴout of the spaces ıs lıke mıgratıng bırds, ⱳhıch can form the maın ıdea of ​​the desıgn. In desıgnıng thıs project, clıent of the project ⱳere…

40 Ideas for “Wooden Slatted Kitchen”, Airy, Open and Well Ventilated

When cooking food, lots of irritants are released into the air including heat, smoke, steam, airborne particles and odours. In a poorly ventilated kitchen, these factors can…

38 Best “Front Stairs” Ideas That Will Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal

  If you’re looking for a way to improve the home design, adding some new front stairs, or rebuilding your existing ones, is a great option! You…

35 Great Ideas Buıldıng a Countrƴ “Hut” for Comfort

The laƴout of the spaces ıs lıke mıgratıng bırds, ⱳhıch can form the maın ıdea of ​​the desıgn. In desıgnıng thıs project, clıent of the project ⱳere…

41 Best Ideas for “Vacation Home With Swimming Pool” You Can Actually Build

Owning a house is a luxury, and owning one with a pool is even more so. Apart from being a fantastic way to keep cool during the…

41 Beautiful “Small Farmhouse” Ideas With Natural Surroundings

In the past the world was obsessed with technological advancement and modernization. For decades people have been migrating to cities in search of better employment and improved…