Merry Chris - Media News 48

“Giant Squid” Divers Find Enormous, Creepy Squid on New Zealand Beach

Divers visiting New Zealand’s south coast of Wellington were looking for a nice spot to go spearfishing Saturday morning (Aug. 25) when they spotted one of the…

Archaeologists Find An Unusual Urban Complex Within Egypt’s Marea Site

Polish archaeologists carrying out excavations at the ancient Egyptian port city of Marea near Alexandria uncovered something unexpected. They found the buried ruins of a self-contained urban complex that…

“Kronosaurus” One of the largest sea reptiles

The Kronosaurus queenslandicus was a prehistoric sea creature that roamed the Earth about 65 million years ago. A great deal about these creatures is still unknown, but…

Strange Small Alien Being or Gnome Was Recorded In Russia

The bizarre extraterrestrial species, or gnome, was captured on video in Russian forest. The black monster measured around 40 cm in height and was about 40 cm…

Eagle Tries To Carry Off Boy in Australia

A wedge-tailed eagle tried to fly away with a terrified boy at a popular wildlife show in central Australia. A crowd of stunned onlookers watched the enormous…

Triangular-Shaped аɩіeп UFO Filmed Over Fremont са Using Night Vision

The title of the article suggests that the most Ьіzаггe іпсіdeпt was disсoⱱeгed by a night-vision IR filer саmeга in 2008. It is still regarded as proof…

“Japanese Flying Squid” It uses a jet propulsion mechanism to fly above water and can fly a distance of 98.4 ft

One very distinctive creature that swims in the depths and darkness of the 0cean is a squid. Eight arms with suckers, a big elongated head, and a…

Mummified Alien Body Found in the Atacama Desert – The Scientific Community is Baffled

When it comes to discoveries that the scientific community shuns at the thought of, the mummified alien body from the Atacama Desert definitely tops the list. Back…

“Sauropodomorpha” Eggs of Earliest Dinosaurs Had Soft, Leathery Shells

A vast trove of fossils unearthed in Argentina’s southern Patagonia region is offering the oldest-known evidence that some dinosaurs thrived in a complex and well-organized herd structure,…

Spaceship UFO Caught on Camera By Real Eye Witness And It’s Very Clear Footage

As far as I can tell from looking at the video of this (what I can only describe as) a Spaceship, it’s real.Genuine looking Spacecraft Caught on…