UFO In Antarctica: The Final Proof That Aliens Have Landed On Earth? - Media News 48

UFO In Antarctica: The Final Proof That Aliens Have Landed On Earth?

Russian “expert” Valetin Degterev published on social media what he found in Antarctica while using Google Earth. This is a shot of the black spot, which it claims that it was a UFO, who are stuck in ice after an accident three years ago.

“In the endless ice desert is the most original UFO in the most classic form,” said the Russian.

Seemingly ignoring many other rock formations and shadows in this area, Degterev said that “UFO” measuring 20 to 70 meters and is adamant that the object can not be explained by anything other naturally on Earth

“I think this is a very large disc-shaped flying machine frozen in ice,” he said. According to him, there can be no image of any polar station or aircraft or ships lost in the area. “It seems that this is a man-made object from the distant universe,” he insisted.


Nigel Watson, author of a manual on investigating UFO, told MailOnline that it is difficult to say exactly what the image shows, but this place has a “long tradition” when landing alien spacecraft. Experts in Antarctica, however, argue that the black dot is a common tear.


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