Media News 48 - Page 582 of 624 -

US marines spend 88 million to get the new combat vehicle with 30mm cannon

Global defense company BAE Systems announced Monday a contract for multiple ACV-30 Production Ready Test Vehicles (PRTVs). BAE Systems says the U.S. Marine Corps has awarded BAE…

Japan’s Hayabusa has just discovered 2 new asteroids with a primitive solar system with extremely intense life

Geoscientist Professor Frank Brenker and a team from Goethe University Frankfurt were some of the first scientists to study the samples. They used a state-of-the-art proprietary analysis…

The DART Mission: Why NASA Crashed a Spacecraft Into an Asteroid Today, Not Tomorrow

NASA’s deep-space exploration robots are typically engineering marvels built for longevity. You have the Voyager probes at the end of the solar system, dutifully operating decades after…

“There is a secret base on Mars where humans and aliens cooperate”

Accoɾdιng to some unusual statements, the state of Isɾael, along wιth otheɾ Westeɾn goveɾnments, would have made contact wιth the alιens yeaɾs ago. So says Haιm Eshed,…

Giant sharks once roamed the seas, feasting on huge meals

Today’s sharks have nothing on their ancient cousins. A giant shark that roamed the oceans millions of years ago could have devoured a creature the size of…

AMAZING: Greece discovered a city in the ocean 5000 years ago

The submarine city of Pavlopetri, known by that name since its discovery in 1962, has been linked to various theories about its origin and settlement function. The…

Last night, a miracle happened after Jupiter’s approach to Earth since 1963

As the largest planet in our solar system, the gas giant will be on the opposite side, i.e. Earth directly between the sun and the sun.A NASA…

A Unique Very Distinctive, Brilliantly Colored Little Bird With Not One, But Two Songs: Meet The Magnolia Wагbler!

A small, very fast, but still easy to spot bird when you see one beсаuse of the conspicuous yellow and black markings and unique tail pattern, and…

Hey, Up There 81, All Of Out Best Photos Up To The Week Ending 09/25/2022!

The chestnut munia or black-headed munia  The chestnut munia or black-headed munia (Lonchura atricapilla), is a small passerine bird. A mere 11 – 13 cm in length adult plumage on these birds is mostly rufous red…

A broken signal prolong space and time that raise mysterious thing in the universe

We’ve discovered a strange new signal from a rift that spans space and time. In a total of 91 hours of observations, a recurring FRB source detected…