Unearthed Enigma: Stone with Peculiar Pattern Discovered at Famous Roswell UFO Site - Media News 48

Unearthed Enigma: Stone with Peculiar Pattern Discovered at Famous Roswell UFO Site

A stone carved with strange patterns found in the New Mexico desert 70 years ago is suspected to be a fragment of an alien spacecraft that landed on Earth.

A strange object called the Roswell Stone continues to cause controversy since its discovery 13 years ago.

The stone, found in the New Mexico desert in 2004, is engraved with a mysterious symbol and has a strange magnetism.


Roswell Stone. Click on photo to enlarge. (Photo: Internet)

The stone was discovered near the site of the famous UFO incident in Roswell.

A discussion arose around the “alien” stone after Tyler Glockner, who runs the investigative website SecureTeam10, made a video discussing the origin of the stone.

Mr. Tyler said:

“It was discovered in 2004, emerging from the mud in Roswell, New Mexico, in a mostly dry, empty area of ​​desert near the site of the famous Roswell UFO crash.”

Directional sign to the area of ​​the famous UFO incident in Roswell in 1947.“The stone has a smooth, rounded surface, and is engraved with mysterious symbols that look quite similar to the lunar cycle.

“There is a theory that this stone is debris from the Roswell UFO crash.

Mr. Tyler claims the stone will spin when placed near a magnet.

The stone rotates when placed near a magnet:

Another interesting feature is that the engraving on the stone is very similar to the giant symbol on a wheat field in England. This symbol itself is a mystery, as the author is unknown

The carving on the stone is very similar to the giant figure in the rice fields in England. (Photo: YouTube)

The Roswell UFO crash is one of the most controversial and discussed UFO events in history.

Following a UFO crash in the area in 1947, UFO enthusiasts around the world said the US government carried out a cover-up of the incident.

Official information from the government says that a US Air Force hot air balloon crashed near a ranch near a town in New Mexico, but many people believe that the hot air balloon was actually an alien spaceship.

Interest in UFO theories peaked in the 1970s and has persisted to this day, despite a report published by the US military in the 1990s which revealed the object was real. The substance is a nuclear test probe balloon.

The body of a human-like creature at the scene of a UFO crash in Roswel, New Mexico. Photo taken in 1947 or 1949. (Photo: Internet)

Major Jesse Marcel next to the wreckage found 120 km northwest of Roswell. Photo taken in July 1947.

The local newspaper Roswell Daily Herald reported on the Roswell incident.

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