The Melting Snow On Antarctica Uncovers A Long-Lost Underground City Built By A Highly Evolved Culture - Media News 48

The Melting Snow On Antarctica Uncovers A Long-Lost Underground City Built By A Highly Evolved Culture

According to UFO researcher Scott Warring, this hexagon is most likely the dome of a larger structure buried beneath the ice

Strange hexagonal patterns can be seen in satellite pictures. According to UFO researcher Scott Warring, this hexagon is most likely the dome of a larger structure buried beneath the ice on Antarctica, where this supposed ancient metropolis is located.


The dome has 25-foot-tall sides and a 150-foot circumference. Several man-made artefacts, structures, and people may be seen around the dome. The UFOlogist goes on to say that a military facility or port, as well as an entrance to a subterranean metopolis, can be seen in front of the dome.

I see a hexagonal structure, but I can’t see all of its complex elements.

This construction, according to Scott Warring, is linked to the following passage from the book “The Lost City of Antarctica, Civilizations of the Ancient World”:


Satellite imaging, according to the researchers, “reveals hints of a large Paleocene civilization thriving beneath the ice of Antarctica,” including “intelligently-made buildings.”

According to an investigation of the isotopic record from ice cores from the Paleogene and Neogene geologic eras, a complex civilization’s infrastructure may have existed on the Antarctic continent roughly 55.5 million years ago and may have been inhabited for 300,000 years or more.

So, could that image of a dome refer to a possible underground city built by an advanced civilisation or alien race that once lived in Antarctica millions of years ago?

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