The man who lived with aliens on board a ship for 10 days - Media News 48

The man who lived with aliens on board a ship for 10 days

On a Monday in mid-February 1989, Alec Newwald left Rotorua for a three-hour flight to Auckland, New Zealand.



He arrived feeling tired and confused, but was even more confused to learn that Monday had passed and it was Thursday, ten days later, and he had no idea what had happened in the meantime.

Alec Newald disappeared for 10 days when he was “supposedly” taken to another planet

In the video below, he recounts his life-changing experience and describes the extremely advanced organic technology that also allows him and his environment to “grow.”

He also talks about how the spaceships are operated by a consciousness that “merges” and is, in fact, self-aware, just like what you have repeatedly said is possible in the higher realms.

The aliens that brought Alec aboard their ship were like humans, technologically advanced and could raise their vibration with biological technology so their bodies were less dense and therefore capable of space travel.

“They could grow anything they wanted, both plants and animals, and that the `houses` grew and were sentient, the boats obeyed their thoughts.”

“His vehicle was a `biological animal/vegetable mix`.”

They communicated with their consciousness, which was an intrinsic part of the vehicle itself. Instead of eating, they drank a `solution` that could be compared to monatomic gold. Alec Newwald contacted Nexus Magazine in 1995 to publish his book CoEvolution. In it, he detailed his incredible 10-day journey to his captive homeworld of Haven and the controversy his fall to earth sparked.

Alec’s story was particularly inspiring. And after meeting him at the NEXUS conference in 1996 and asking him to speak, there’s no reason to doubt his sincerity.

In 1989, Alec Newald’s life takes an unexpected turn when he is kidnapped and brought home for ten days by a group of benevolent aliens.

What he learned and experienced while living with these kind creatures had a profound effect on all of us on this planet.

Shortly after his “return”, Alec received a strange visit from a “government scientist” who wanted to know about his experiences. His incredible experience “has great implications for the future of humanity and our galactic cousins”.



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