Some seem to have existed for hundreds of thousands of years, but there are also pits that suddenly appear overnight. - Media News 48

Some seem to have existed for hundreds of thousands of years, but there are also pits that suddenly appear overnight.

The bottomless pit and mysterious connections to the Bermuda Triangle

In the late 80s of the last century, mysterious holes in the dense forests of Russia were discovered a lot. Accordingly, strange holes were found in three main regions, namely Ryazan and Kaluga provinces in the west, and Krasnoyarsk region in central Russia.

Some seem to have existed for hundreds of thousands of years, but there are also pits that suddenly appear overnight. Those are deep and vertical pits. The most famous hole that went viral on the internet appeared in a dense forest, where humans could not reach it by car or truck, nor could they carry any equipment to dig down. ground. Nor was there any sign of rock being dug out of the ground.

Another mysterious hole appeared in Kaluga discovered by a shepherd named Pyotr Malinkin. While grazing the cows in the pasture, a man discovered a large hole in the ground with a diameter of 6 meters. He was amazed because this had never happened before. The cows seemed to sense something dangerous. They showed fear, did not dare to approach the hole and did not dare to graze around it.

When researchers visited the site, they were told by locals that the hole had only appeared overnight. No traces of digging equipment could be found nearby, nor was there any soil or rock excavated from the pit. The hole is not completely round but oval.According to local people, a few decades ago, a large hole appeared about 2 km from the area. In the past, villagers used to drop sacks of grain into the pit to offer sacrifices. Under the Soviet Union, they even threw tree branches and rocks inside, but could not fill the hole. However, when the researchers came to check, they could not find the hole again, because trees and bushes had covered the ground.



The cause of this incident is still a mystery. Someone explained that Kaluga is located on a limestone area. Corrosive groundwater can form limestone caves in the ground. However, this still cannot explain the appearance of the strange craters, and why the craters are completely smooth and so smooth.



There are many different theories to explain the above mysterious hole phenomenon: Some people think that it is nature’s creation, others firmly say that they were dug up from underground by a group of mysterious people. Somehow, some people even think of aliens who have taken away our soil samples.

Not only in Russia, but in the US, the sudden disappearance of the bottomless hole deep in the hills of eastern Washington state in the US has remained a secret for decades.

That bottomless hole was once located in the city of Ellensburg, Washington state, USA. Many locals believe that the hole contains supernatural powers. Red Elk, an Indian physician, said his father used to take him to see the hole in 1961.


Since 1961, Elk has returned to the pit many times. Strange phenomena kept happening every time he approached it. The hole became a hot topic in 1997, when a radio station made a program about it.

“I brought some dogs with me and they all never went near the pit,” recalls Mel Waters, a radio host about the hole.

Waters said a stone wall about 90cm high surrounds the hole. He felt as if it had no bottom. So he used a fisherman’s trick: Tie a hook to the end of a rope several hundred meters long and drop it into the hole. Then Waters dropped a float down the line. If there is water in the hole, the float will stop.

But when Waters pulled the rope up, the buoy was not wet, meaning it was not in contact with the water. Waters believes that if the crater has a bottom, its bottom is at least a few kilometers below the surface. The strange thing is that so far no one can see this bottomless hole

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