Oil Worker Witnesses UFOs Hovering for 10 Minutes Before Disappearing Instantly off Mexican Coast - Media News 48

Oil Worker Witnesses UFOs Hovering for 10 Minutes Before Disappearing Instantly off Mexican Coast

A pair of UFOs were spotted soaring over an oil rig off the coast of Mexico where locals have claimed is home to a secret underwater alien base.

The UFO hovering above the oil rig in Mexico

A crew member of the vessel near Tampico snapped two images – one showing a saucer-shaped craft with glowing lights circling the base and the other with a triangular design and three lights on the bottom.

A close up of the second UFO shows it as having six lights

The witness said the UAPs ‘hovered for what seemed like 10 minutes and then ‘just zoomed off in an instant,’ a source told DailyMail.om.


Locals of Tampico believe the underwater extraterrestrial base has been protecting them from hurricanes for more than 50 years.

A pair of UFOs were spotted soaring over an oil rig off the coast of Mexico where locals have claimed is home to a secret underwater alien base. A crew member of the vessel near Tampico snapped two images

One image shows a saucer-shaped craft with glowing lights circling the base

The images were captured on October 2023, but have just now been released online.

UFO Reported in Gulf of Mexico: OSV Engineer Says He Saw Large Craft Hovering Near Rig

While the oil rigger said the other UFO was triangular, the only clue about its designed is how the three lights at its base are positioned.

While the oil rigger said the other UFO was triangular, the only clue about its designed is how the three lights at its base are positioned

No other parts of the craft can be seen as well.


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