Mysterious Anomaly Near Antarctica Moving North Causes Unprecedented 80-Foot Waves, Posing Challenges to Scientists and Mariners - Media News 48

Mysterious Anomaly Near Antarctica Moving North Causes Unprecedented 80-Foot Waves, Posing Challenges to Scientists and Mariners


The huge anomaly, showed up on ocean monitoring system, does appear to originate from the Antarctica area deep down in the the southern hemisphere on April 9th the day after the eclipse of 2024 around 2 pm. and on April 11th it suddenly disappears off the map.

This thing which is the size of Texas traveled down here between South America and Antarctica and then up through the the Atlantic Ocean implying that there is a very large field of waves measuring about 80 foot.

Speculation runs rampant regarding the nature of this anomaly. Could it be the aftermath of a meteor impact in the ocean, or perhaps the result of an undocumented seismic event?

Watch the video:

Another theory posits the involvement of an Unidentified Submerged Object (USO), a colossal underwater craft. This hypothesis suggests that the anomaly may not be a rogue wave but rather a massive object emitting signals mimicking the characteristics of an 80-foot wave.

Notably, the absence of any tsunami warnings along the trajectory of this peculiar object adds to the mystery.

Once again, the presence of an inexplicable energy form hints at the existence of a large underwater object lurking within the depths of the southern hemisphere of our planet.

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