Martian Enigma Unveiled: ‘Dome’ and ‘Pyramid’ Discovered by Alien Hunters, Igniting Speculation on Ancient Civilization Existence - Media News 48

Martian Enigma Unveiled: ‘Dome’ and ‘Pyramid’ Discovered by Alien Hunters, Igniting Speculation on Ancient Civilization Existence

Strange photos appear to show a structure on the Red Planet – but is there any truth in this bizarre claim?

The strange dome spotted on the surface of Mars

There’s been another strange sighting on the surface of Mars and conspiracy theorists are convinced it shows evidence of aliens.

UFO hunters have spotted a bizarre dome structure in one of NASA’s pictures beamed back from the Opportunity Rover.

They believe it is an artificial structure made by aliens at some point in Mars’ past when water ran freely on the surface.

“The existence of domes on Mars proves that someone or something built them in the past,” wrote conspiracy website, the Unsilent Majority .

The Mars dome as seen from the side – was it built by aliens?

“Is it possible that we are looking at some sort of building left behind by ancient inhabitants on Mars?”

“What if we are looking at the ultimate evidence that proves the red planet was in fact inhabited in the distant past by beings that developed across the red planet just as humans developed across Earth?”

Many conspiracy theorists believe that NASA and other space agencies are aware of alien relics and are deliberately keeping quiet.

An overhead view of the ‘Mars Dome’

The dome is just the latest in a series of sightings on the surface of our rocky neighbour.

Earlier in the year, a perfectly-formed pyramid was caught in a picture of Mars’ surface, bearing a striking resemblance to those built by the ancient Egyptians.

The pyramid is thought to be about the size of a car, and most people believe it’s nothing more than a coincidental rock formation.

However, the YouTube channel ParanormalCrucible goes further, insisting the “near perfect design and shape” means the pyramid is: “the result of intelligent design and certainly not a trick of light and shadow”.

Other outlandish theories suggest the pyramid is simply the tip of a larger structure buried underground.

Pyramid seen on Mars

Some viewers pointed out that the mysterious pyramid could have been formed by wind.

Whether or not that is the case with the dome pictured above is uncertain.

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