Forensically rendered from myriad witness accounts, the Roswell UFO emerges, piecing together a fascinating, enigmatic historical puzzle - Media News 48

Forensically rendered from myriad witness accounts, the Roswell UFO emerges, piecing together a fascinating, enigmatic historical puzzle

Over the years, much has been written about the crashed Roswell UFO, and never have images been released of the real UFO due to the cover-up of this remarkable crash. Now, not only has a composite image been generated, reflecting the craft before its crash based on the accounts of multiple witnesses, but it also provides specific details about the crew.

The “General Composite of the Roswell Aerospace Interplanetary Skiff” is originated and forensically rendered from the testimony of multiple witnesses who were the retired United States Army Counter-Intelligence Corps atom bomb security agents guarding all atom bomb manufacturing, testing and deployment facilities in New Mexico from 1943 to 1951.

The spacecraft was a single, integrated, machine component; the originating inspiration for all high-altitude, hypersonic, “Waverider,” aerosurf, “Biomorphic” aircraft and space shuttle configuration concepts.

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She mimicked the design forms of multiple sea animals including porpoises and stingrays. Her life support system and in-flight ballast was an oxygenated amniotic fluid-like broth with an advanced filtration system in the flight deck.


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