Decisive Proof That We Are NOT the First Inhabitants of this Planet - Media News 48

Decisive Proof That We Are NOT the First Inhabitants of this Planet

Let’s be honest here, modern-day historians will never accept this as fact regardless of how much proof we yank their way. The thing about them is that their whole careers stand on top of the idea that this is not true, so they will definitely fight it to the last breath. Luckily, there is plenty of proof out there for those of us that are willing to look for it.

We have dozens if not hundreds of texts depicting ancient civilizations that lived before our time. The most notable ones lived in the following cities: Lemuria, Hyperborea, and of course, we cannot possibly forget about the ancient Lost City of Atlantis.

There are more and more people that believe in the existence of these cities, but there is quite a discrepancy here as not a lot of people wish to believe that these ancient civilizations also predated humanity entirely.

We know now that what historians stated in the past is false, we know that one of the oldest known civilizations to have lived on our planet goes as far back as 3 billion years ago in South Africa.

The mysterious rock near Klerksdorp shows this. As you can see from the pictures, what appears to be dozens of weirdly shaped objects were discovered here. Some are hollowed out, some are spherical, some are square shapes, and so on and so forth. Some have inscriptions on them while others seem to be made out of a sort of an ancient sponge material.

The discoveries keep on coming too, as it appears as though even more artifacts were discovered in Dorchester County, Massachusetts in the 19th century. We have already talked on multiple occasions about the strange footprints that prove that an intelligent species laid them out on the ground around 500 million years ago.

Lastly, we also have this artifact which was discovered in the Partisan region of Primorye. As you can tell, it is very small and it appears to be constructed out of crystalline moissanite grains which date back to 300 million years ago.

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