Merry Chris - Media News 48 - Page 8 of 8

Cheetah in the Car – Face to Face with a Cheetah in the Masai Mara

The wild cat, with its razor sharp claws and teeth, sure is one moggy you’d rather not have curling up on your lap. But, nevertheless, the bold…

“Blue Iguana” One of the most endangered lizards on Earth

The Blue iguana is an endangered species of lizard that is native to the island of Grand Cayman. This large lizard has articulated toes that are efficient…

UFO Part or Alien Drone Found by Shepherds in the Spanish Field

Shepherds from Murcia, Spain, founded something very unusual flying over their field. A UFO maybe? Initially, they thought that it was a military aircraft, but eventually, it…

PHOTOS: A Mysterious Lost Race Of Little People In Iran.

In Iran, strange humanoids were found! Out in the desert wastelands of the the Lut Desert, in the Shahdad region of South Khorasan Province, Iran, is a…

“Eurythyrea quercus” These stunning insect close-ups reveal dazzling bug complexity

Arthropods are the most diverse group in the animal kingdom. Among them, the evolutionary record holders are the insects, thanks to their ability to adapt to many…