The Underwater People – Aliens, Or Just Us That Went Back to Water in Evolution? (videos) - Media News 48

The Underwater People – Aliens, Or Just Us That Went Back to Water in Evolution? (videos)

The depths of the ocean has always been a source of inspiration for many legends and stories. From the beautiful and alluring sirens to dangerous and notorious creatures such as the Leviathan.

Let’ focus on the figure of the sirens. According to Greeks, sirens were creatures half woman and half bird, whose singing had the power to hypnotize men. However, nowadays we call them mermaids.

In contemporary culture, a mermaid is a beautiful woman with a fishtail who lives in the ocean and appears in many cultures, from Europe to Asia and Africa.

Usually, mermaids are associated with perilous events such as floods, storms, and shipwrecks, even though in other folk traditions can be benevolent to the point of falling in love with a human.

Christopher Columbus reported seeing mermaids while exploring the Caribbean, and sightings of these creatures have been reported in the 20th and 21st centuries in Canada, Israel, and Zimbabwe. There is also a strange congenital disorder called Sirenomelia, in which a child is born with its legs fused together and small genitalia. This condition is as rare as conjoined twins, affecting one out of every 100.000 live births

In the following videos, you will see the scenery of the Great Barrier Reef which features a video of 6 mermaids spotted on real live camera.


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