Timeless Reunion: The Story of 150-Year-Old Turtle Mom Meets Her 5-Day-Old Babies for the First Time. Heartwarming Moment Captured as Centuries-Old Matriarch Bonds with Her Newborns. - Media News 48

Timeless Reunion: The Story of 150-Year-Old Turtle Mom Meets Her 5-Day-Old Babies for the First Time. Heartwarming Moment Captured as Centuries-Old Matriarch Bonds with Her Newborns.

This tortoise has lived a lot longer than their average lifespan!.

Free ride: One of the 5.5cm babies is placed on its mother's head in preparation for a quick lift

African tortoises are known as among the hardiest animals. They live for over a century, normally between 50 and 150 years.

Turtle mom 150 years old and her lovely children

Turtle mom 150 years old and her lovely children

Mum's taxi: One of the babies appears to go into its shell after being given a front row seat for the parental journey

The oldest CURRENTLY living is a ѕрeсіeѕ of Aldabra Turtle named Jonathan who was hatched in 1832. He turns 190 this year. Alagba, in Nigeria, is said to have lived to be approximately 344 years old.

This 150 year old turtle with her 4 day old babies is an photo of indescribable beauty.
115 days later, 8 tortoises weighing 0.05 pounds and measuring 0.18 were birthed in Hungary.

Growing fast: The baby African spurred tortoises could grow to up to 80 or 90kg as adults

They were much smaller sized than their mom. They were born in the zoo and were one of a kind.
The little turtle sat on their mother’s back to enjoy the rays of the sun.

This is just one of the largest tortoises in Africa, and her children. They look charming. She goes to her prime for having hatchlings.

These little turtles climbing all over their mum are so cute.🐢🤗👍💚 It’s іпсгedіЬɩe that the child turtles know to ride on Mom! How

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