The Great Sphinx is commonly referred to as one of the greatest and most mysterious archaeological findings of all time.
It was first uncovered back in 1936 by Emile Baguettes and despite the fact that it was half-buried in the sand at the time he was extremely excited to investigate the hidden library that the ancient texts spoke about being inside of the Sphinx.

This is where he allegedly came across hundreds if not thousands of books and papyruses which all told the same story, aka the one that directly showcased the fact that the Egyptians didn’t actually have their own architectural style but that they merely adopted it all from the ancient Atlanteans.
This library was long since lost but to everyone’s surprise, a chamber from it was uncovered back in 1987. A series of tunnels were uncovered that day which appeared to be tied to the library but sadly nothing else was uncovered here that day.

Charles Russel explained however that this was just the beginning, as there is a lot more to the Sphinx than meets the eye.

He explained how there is a round shape on the Sphinx’s head which according to ancient texts might cover the entrance to the lost city since underneath it all there appears to be an ancient pyramid too which experts can’t really excavate because of the fact that it is underneath the Sphinx.