Terrifying Encounter: Lioness Stalks and Hunts Zebra, Leaving British Tourists Astonished by Nature's Brutality - Media News 48

Terrifying Encounter: Lioness Stalks and Hunts Zebra, Leaving British Tourists Astonished by Nature’s Brutality

This is the moment a fierce lioness takes down an unsuspecting zebra to the shock of British tourists who witnessed the raw spectacle of nature.

Stunning footage shows the 300-pound lioness attempting to creep up on her prey, but receiving a firm kick to the face for her troubles.

The predator pounces on the plucky zebra, eventually taking it to the ground before feasting on the spoils of her success, in Masai Mara, Kenya.

This is the moment a fierce lioness takes down an unsuspecting zebra to the shock of British tourists who witnessed the raw spectacle of nature.

This is the moment a fierce lioness takes down an unsuspecting zebra to the shock of British tourists who witnessed the raw spectacle of nature.

Stunning footage shows the 300-pound lioness attempting to creep up on her prey, but receiving a firm kick to the face for her troubles

Stunning footage shows the 300-pound lioness attempting to creep up on her prey, but receiving a firm kick to the face for her troubles

Remarkable images illustrate the action-packed fight between predator and prey – with every still capturing each part of the ferocious battle.

The predator pounces on the plucky zebra, eventually taking it to the ground before feasting on the spoils of her success, in Masai Mara, Kenya

The predator pounces on the plucky zebra, eventually taking it to the ground before feasting on the spoils of her success, in Masai Mara, Kenya

Remarkable images illustrate the action-packed fight between predator and prey - with every still capturing each part of the ferocious battle

Remarkable images illustrate the action-packed fight between predator and prey – with every still capturing each part of the ferocious battle

The snaps were taken by local professional wildlife photographer Clement Kiragu, 36, from Nairobi

‘I will never forget this moment because it happened on my morning game drive, on my birthday.

‘I had been praying for me and my guests to witness something special and nature gifted us with just that. It was also my first time to witness a lioness kill.’

The British tourists were left speechless after witnessing the spectacular action

The British tourists were left speechless after witnessing the spectacular action

'My guests had no words,' said Clement. 'They had never seen a lioness hunt before and later they couldn't stop talking about it'

The snaps were taken by local professional wildlife photographer Clement Kiragu, 36, from Nairobi

'They said they couldn't wait to go back home and show all their friends what they had witnessed'

‘My guests had no words,’ said Clement. ‘They had never seen a lioness hunt before and later they couldn’t stop talking about it’


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