A recent UFO sighting has been caught on camera while the witness was filming the Moon.
The UFO appeared to be white and red and was captured on video while the witness was using a modern telescope to film the Lunar surface.
The ability to film the Moon in such close detail has also provided an uncommon opportunity for Ufology enthusiasts.
We don’t see anything like this at all, no exception that I can find.
This hobby has become increasingly popular as technology has improved, allowing people to capture close-up footage of the Moon’s surface.
Many have captured strange activity on the Moon, including unidentified objects moving across the screen in videos, and structures. As technology continues to advance, more and more unusual sightings will likely be captured, further fueling the Ufology genre.
Overall, the combination of modern telescopes and advancements in technology have made it easier than ever before to capture footage of the Moon and potentially discover new and exciting phenomena. Things evolve and Ufology is no exception to the rule. One big change is the acronym UAP from UFO but UFO will always be a reference to the strange sightings around the world.