It’s a worry about yourself kinda world in the wild, and the only claim to food is how hard you are willing to fight for it.
Grizzly bears are generally some of the animals with the most fight, and they have the reputation to back it up. One swipe from a grizzly bear paw can do some serious damage, so even the most ferocious of creatures think better of tangling with one.
They can weigh well over 1,000 pounds so it takes a ton of food to feed them. They need to make sure they get all the food they can, and being the biggest and baddest definitely helps that endeavor.
Wolves have strength alone but far more in numbers They are notoriously abled animals that work in groups called “packs” to be even more successful than they would be alone.
A grizzly bear is seen working hard pulling an elk carcass out of a river in Yellowstone National Park. As soon as he gets to the shore the wolves are on him. Now, the grizzly considers defending the kill for a minute, but with 14 wolves circling him up, it’s just too tall an order to protect.
The grizzly decides the fight is just not worth it and walks off letting the wolves have his meal.
To the victors goes the spoils…