Man Discovered a Strange Memory-Stick Containing 28 Images of Alien UFOs in Space

A man named Quisto made a recent find in a little community near Berlin, Germany. According to him, he was just heading home when he came across an odd USB stick lying on the side of the road.

When he took it up, he realized how old it was, as well as that it had a peculiar symbol etched on it. He noticed the “Steintor” while wandering nearby.

He didn’t anticipate the USB stick to work because it was, to say the least, antique, but when he plugged it in, it immediately started up, displaying a total of 28 photographs on it of space, planets from up close, and even UFOs.

The enigmatic Black Knight UFO was also visible in the photos.

The stick dates from the 1900s, and he believes the majority of the images were shot by the Voyager satellites.

Voyager 1 was launched into space on September 5, 1977, and Voyager 2 was launched on August 20, 1977.

When questioned if he feels he was chosen to spread the word about the USB stick, he flatly rejected it.

According to him, this USB stick was discovered by chance, and because he knows nothing about the previous owner, he can’t claim to have been chosen by anybody or anything.