Mahalo’s Brave Encounter: The Dog Who Faced a Porcupine's Deadly Quills and Lived. A Riveting Tale of Resilience and Second Chances Unfolds - Media News 48

Mahalo’s Brave Encounter: The Dog Who Faced a Porcupine’s Deadly Quills and Lived. A Riveting Tale of Resilience and Second Chances Unfolds

A dog in Canada is lucky to be alive after being attacked by a porcupine and stabbed with barbs all over, including the heart and lungs.

Mahalo was out playing with two other dogs in Saskatchewan – which shares a border with Montana in the south – when they encountered the spiky animal and were attacked.

Ouch: Mahalo was out playing with two other dogs in Saskatchewan, Canada – which shares a border with Montana in the south – when they encountered the spiky animal and were all attacked

Also injured: One of the other dogs, Nestah, was also hurt quite bad and had to undergo surgery at the vet

Mahalo was the worst injured of the three pets but Nestah (pictured) also took quite a beating from the barbs

‘Dennis is a youth worker at the Street Culture Project and runs a small Organic Farm outside Regina.

Nestah (pictured), Mahalo and Soljah are all now recovering following the encounter with the porcupine

Soljah escaped with only with a few barbs to the mouth, which were pulled out without surgery

The other dogs, Nestah and Soljah, were also injured.

Nestah also had to undergo surgery and is now recovering.

Soljah suffered only a few barbs that could be pulled out.

The dogs had been playing when they were attacked by a porcupine, pictured, who left them with barbs all over (file picture)

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