Love Moment! One Day Rescue finds Zeus, a blind owl with eyes glistening like galaxies, symbolizing hope and celestial beauty - Media News 48

Love Moment! One Day Rescue finds Zeus, a blind owl with eyes glistening like galaxies, symbolizing hope and celestial beauty

One day Wildlife Rescue Center found this owl with blind but incredible eyes shining like little galaxies 

The Wildlife Learning Center provides outreach and onsite education in wildlife biology. Their outreach program is the largest in Los Angeles with classes taught by our friendly and enthusiastic biologists.

The Center is located in Sylmar, CA nestled in an old olive grove where more than 70 different species of rescued and zoo-born wild animals call this shady, natural environment home.

Screech owls or screech-owls are typical owls (Strigidae) belonging to the genus Megascops. Twenty-one living species are known at present, but new ones are frequently recognized and unknown ones are still being discovered on a regular basis, especially in the Andes. For most of the 20th century, this genus was merged with the Old World scops owls in Otus, but nowadays it is again considered separate based on a range of behavioral, biogeographical, morphological and DNA sequence data.

Screech owls are restricted to the Americas. Some species formerly placed with them are nowadays considered more distinct (see below for details). The common name “screech owl” is sometimes used for the not closely related barn owl as well.


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