Lost City Of Atlantis Discovered In North Sea?!

Divers from oil companies found in the north sea discovered the remains a once-extinct ancient city. It was once located from the UK and Denmark. The estimated population of an ancient city, which is massive, has been put at the high tens of thousands

A team of climatologists, archaeologists, and geophysicists have successfully mapped the area, revealing how vast and expansive this once ‘lost land once was. Many specialists are now claiming this was once the ‘real heartland’ of Europe.

It is believed that this huge civilization dates back to around 8000 years ago. The submerged landmass submerged for several thousand years.

Dr. Richard Bates of the Department of Earth Sciences at St Andrew’s, who organized the Drowned Landscapes exhibit, covering the finds within the UK, says the data reveals the human story behind Doggerland, a now submerged city of the North Sea that was once larger than many modern European countries. These findings could indicate that Doggerland is the true lost city of Atlantis.

Many hypotheses have suggested that Atlantis, the sunken island, is located in modern northern Europe. Olaus Rudbeck is the most prominent among these researchers. Who knew that Doggerland and Viking Bergen Island were the sites of the megatsunami that followed the Storegga slide 6100 BC. This was a proposal Rudbeck put forth back in the 16 hundred. Some suggest the Celtic Shelf as an option and mention that there are links to Ireland. Many locations have been suggested for the possible site of the sunken city over the years. However, none of them have provided ruins that could be worthy of such claims.

Doggerland is however a good choice. It could be the most important ancient civilization on Earth, and it is also located in a possible place, according to historical research. The city of Atlantis was once submerged during its history. It exposes the amazing ruins of a once great, but presently unknown civilization. Dr. Bates, a geophysicist, said: ‘Doggerland was the real heartland of Europe until sea levels rose to give us the UK coastline of today. ‘We have speculated for years on the lost land’s existence from bones dredged by fishermen all over the North Sea, but it’s only since working with oil companies in the last few years that we have been able to re-create what this lost land looked like.

‘When the data was first being processed, I thought it unlikely to give us any helpful information. However, as more area was covered, it revealed a vast and complex landscape.’ It has been possible to create a model of its fauna and flora, as well as a picture and description of the ancient people who lived there. This also allows us to begin to understand some of those dramatic events, including the tsunami and the sea rising. The research team includes St Andrews, Aberdeen and Dundee as well as Wales Trinity St David and Birmingham.