It is inevitable not to be moved by stories where the suffering and pain our dogs go through are great. Seeing them suffer due to the negligence of their owners makes us think that morbidity and insensitivity are infinite.
Dempsey is our protagonist, an adorable little dog who was tied to a post near a pharmacy in Georgia , the evil person who abandoned him just wanted him to die, he was malnourished, with very dry skin and sunken eyes.
The good Samaritan called animal control who took the puppy to Dekalb County Animal Services . Upon receiving the necessary medical attention, he was diagnosed with severe scabies, causing his skin to be severely affected, he had large welts which caused him unbearable pain.
Despite the difficult diagnosis, Dempsey was always very receptive to his rescuers. After a while, his caregivers contacted Friends to the Forlorn Pitbull Rescue, enthusiasts who would help him throughout the dog’s recovery process .
It was only a matter of time before the little dog revealed his true personality and surprised everyone with his incredible recovery . Greenwald inevitably fell in love with all of Dempsey’s strength, he was the first person to notice the big difference from the dying little dog he had agreed to take care of months before.
The dog’s life began to change drastically for the better, after a long treatment process he now has a beautiful soft and shiny coat . His new adoptive parents Elliot and Brittni give him a life full of comforts and true love along with his other furry siblings who were also rescued. It’s never too late to enjoy a real family, and little Dempsey, without a doubt, has the best .