Heartless Indifference: Dogs Run Over and Abandoned, Left to Die on the Pavement Without a Trace of Compassion. With Multiple Fractures and Unbearable Pain, One Dog's Agonizing Cries Were Finally Answered by a Heroic Animal Lover from a Local Rescue Group - Media News 48

Heartless Indifference: Dogs Run Over and Abandoned, Left to Die on the Pavement Without a Trace of Compassion. With Multiple Fractures and Unbearable Pain, One Dog’s Agonizing Cries Were Finally Answered by a Heroic Animal Lover from a Local Rescue Group

It is necessary to make people aware of what a stray dog ​​suffers. They, like any other animal, have the right to a long and happy life. Unfortunately, homeless dogs suffer daily contempt from some people, who see in these defenseless little dogs a strange thing full of bacteria and without any type of salvation.

The accident left some scars on the dog but he continues to recover like a hero People’s in difference is such that they don’t mind running them over and leaving them lying on the pavement without showing the slightest gesture of compassion.


This is what sadly happened to the furry boy in this story, who lay helpless on the road after being hit by a car that fled without taking responsibility for his actions.

The dog never stopped eating, which was a good sign for his rescuer.

The dog was completely affected by his defenseless body, suffered multiple fractures and could not stop crying. Immersed in grief, his hours were numbered, when an animal lover, who works at a local rescue group, reached out to help him.

The man caressed him gently so that the little dog felt that he was there to save him. It’s as if the little dog was telling him: “This hurts too much, I’m ready to go.” But, the man would not let himself be defeated so easily, and with extreme delicacy and love he whispered softly in his ear: “No, not yet!… Just hold on a little longer boy, just hold on.”

Due to the injuries, the dog couldn’t stop shaking.

It was enough to see the little dog to know that his condition was critical, the man took him in his arms and took him to the shelter where he works, there he received medical attention and his rescuer received the difficult diagnosis.

The dog had broken legs and a severe brain injury; he needed emergency surgery. Luckily, his rescuer was willing to save him and prevent him from suffering as much as possible.

Luckily, the intervention was achieved without complications, now the dog had to recover and gain strength little by little. Thanks to the operation, his body was no longer twisted and he could stand up on his own. Despite his difficult situation, the little dog never stopped eating, he turned out to have a very good appetite, and now enjoys eating from his favorite bowl and having all the attention of his rescuer.

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