Heartbreaking Plea: Sun Bear Waves for Help, Finally Rescued After Being Trapped in a Snare - Media News 48

Heartbreaking Plea: Sun Bear Waves for Help, Finally Rescued After Being Trapped in a Snare

A wild sun bear saved her own life after flagging down passing animal workers after she got caught in a snare.

Indonesian rescuers found the female bear on the island of Borneo after she became caught in a trap protecting an illegal rubber plantation.

Animal workers in Indonesia were able to save a sun bear caught in a snare after she waved and alerted them to her plight

Animal workers in Indonesia were able to save a sun bear caught in a snare after she waved and alerted them to her plight

The bear had become trapped in a snare surrounding an illegal rubber plantation, and while workers were able to free her, her paw had to be amputated

Staff from the Jejak Pulang Foundation then took the injured bear to a rescue centre run by their partner organisation, Four Paws, to recover.

The bear, who workers named Belia, was kept in an outdoor enclosure for eight days while she recovered from her operation.

Workers named the two-year-old female Belia, and took her from the jungle to a rescue centre where she recovered from her ordeal

Workers named the two-year-old female Belia, and took her from the jungle to a rescue centre where she recovered from her ordeal

Rescuers said that Belia will be able to live a relatively normal life once she had adjusted to having three paws instead of four

Rescuers said that Belia will be able to live a relatively normal life once she had adjusted to having three paws instead of four

After eight days spent recovering from her operation, Belia was released back into the wild at the spot where workers found her

After eight days spent recovering from her operation, Belia was released back into the wild at the spot where workers found her


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