Heart-Wrenching Abandonment: Elderly Dog Expelled from His Home Collapses on the Street, Awaiting His End. A Tragic Tale of Neglect and Despair Unfolds - Media News 48

Heart-Wrenching Abandonment: Elderly Dog Expelled from His Home Collapses on the Street, Awaiting His End. A Tragic Tale of Neglect and Despair Unfolds

An elderly dog ​​is a little animal that deserves all the love and care, in honor of so many years of fidelity and service with the ones it loves.

But the oldest pet of a family, who was supposed to stay inside, enjoying the quiet and peaceful life, was thrown like an old piece of furniture into the patio of the house.


When he contacted a rescue group and they came to help him, they thought the dog was already lifeless and actually cried for him.

But when one of the rescuers approached for a last caress, he realized that, although his condition was eга ɩапtаЬɩe, the old man was still breathing.

Even though its body seemed rigid and was slumped over the side of some kind of makeshift bed they had outside, the dog struggled to hold itself up.

However, it was clear that he had clung so much to life that now he seemed to have already given himself over and was only waiting for his time to come.

«Looking at his poor broken body breaks our hearts. It’s almost like she gave up and was just waiting for her time to come,” Paws 4 Hope rescuers said in the heartwarming video of her rescue.

Fortunately, luck smiled on this older dog and he would still have a second chance at life. They weren’t sure how long he would live, but they refused to let him die like that. So they picked him up and took him to the shelter.

When they took him to the vet, they saw that he was suffering from hypothermia and had a large fever in his stomach. The mass caused internal bleeding. He was medicated for all of his ailments and they were determined to shower him with love.

One of the volunteers confessed that elderly dogs are his greatest weakness, so he counted the hours until he could take them home with him.

Kesto enjoyed his first real meal, which wasn’t some cheap kibble. He loved it!

His new foster mother then showed him that he would have a warm bed next to his new foster brother.

Kesto couldn’t believe that sleeping inside a house full of love could be so beautiful.

He slept warm and happy for the first time in his life.

However, despite his improvement, Kesto’s new mother understood that the older dog did not have much time left. Therefore, she wanted to make sure that she spent the best last moments, full of happiness, at her side.

Thank you to the rescuers and Kesto’s mother for allowing him to enjoy his last minutes in a loving home! It’s hard to hold back tears.

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