Extremely rare video: A Happy Grizzly Bear Has Fun Rolling Down a Hill in Alaska - Media News 48

Extremely rare video: A Happy Grizzly Bear Has Fun Rolling Down a Hill in Alaska

Grizzly bear rolling down a hill is clearly living its best life

This happy-go-lucky grizzly bear at Denali National Park in Interior Alaska has it all figured out. As tourists watched nearby, it took a exhilarating roll down a hill, proving that you don’t need fancy stuff to be happy. All you need is a nice, steep surface and a little push.

It’s the simple things in life that count.

The grizzly creature is playing on a hillside when he is spotted by a group of tourist and starts playing up to the camera.

He begins barrel rolling down the steep bank and is clearly having fun at his home in the Denali National Park in Alaska. The big guy could be doing this for any number of reasons. He could just be spreading his scent, but it seems more likely that he’s just loving life and the sunshine!

Bears in the wild are harmless to humans as long as they are given enough space and don’t feel threatened. If you’d like to get a chance to see a bear in action, head down to a wildlife preserve or national park – and don’t forget to bring a camera!

Denali National Park is located in Alaska and centred on the highest mountain in North America, Mount McKinley.

The park encompasses more than six million acres of land, which includes forest, tundra, glaciers, rock and snow.


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