Courageous Men Free Trapped Wolf in Wisconsin

Frightened Wolf rescued from a hunter’s trap and returned to the wild.

Watch this amazing images of some very courageous men freeing this poor wolf from a cruel trap!

There are still on this planet human beings worthy of the name who are able to counteract the harmful effects of other less than worthy humans. Despite being caught in a leg trap, a frightened wolf is able to return to the wild…. free on all 4 legs thanks to these gentlemen!

Whatever the purpose, the consequences for the trapped animals are the same — pain, suffering, and death. Proponents argue that traps are humane and selective, and that trapping is tightly regulated, an important source of income for many people, and necessary for managing wildlife. These claims, however, are far from the truth.

Despite what trappers would have you believe, animals frequently sustain severe injuries from being trapped. When not killed outright by the trap, animals can suffer physiological trauma, dehydration, exposure to severe weather, and predation by other animals until the trapper returns. When the trapper returns he usually clubs, suffocates or strangles the animal to death.
