UFOs - Media News 48

NASA makes a shocking discovery about extraterrestrial life

Could it change everything we thought we knew about our species? The biggest conundrum – outside the questions on how our universe came to be – is…

Retired Marine Alleges Spending More Than 15 Years on Mars

In addition to claiming that humans had visited Mars in the past, retired officer Randy Cramer, who went by the alias Captain Kaye at first, also believes…

Antarctica’s Hollow Earth: A Gateway To Extraterrestrial Life

Although the idea of a Hollow Earth may seem ridiculous now, scientists and politicians once considered it to be true. In addition to being a talented writer,…

Massive Buildings Were Captured in the Sky at 10,000 Feet – What Do These Might Be?

The photographer for these pictures was a traveler on a flight to Louisiana. He said that after only 90 minutes of flight, he had seen something genuinely…

Recently, a Russian researcher discovered strange, moving creatures on Venus.

There may have been proof of life on Venus when a group of Russian scientists examined a number of images taken from the planet’s surface. There may…

Are There Buildings From Another Planet on the Moon?China Finally Unveils Moon’s Secret?

The possibility of colonizing space is already a reality, and China is already laying its cards on the table. The People’s Republic of China has revealed a…

As seen on this clear footage of a real UFO with aliens

The majority of people have no idea what they’re looking at. I’m not sure what alien species we’re dealing with here, but it may be the Greys…

 ‘Underwater Alien Base’ After ‘Seeing ET Found On Beach’

Fancy a good old conspiracy theory? Of course, you do, which is good because we’ve got a doozy for you. Apparently, aliens are hiding in secret underwater…

An organism called ‘Evora’s creature’ was discovered and studied in Portugal that shook the entire state. 

An incident took place in Portugal, on November 2, 1959 that shook the entire state. An organism called ‘Evora’s creature’ was discovered and studied in Portugal around…

A Mystery Traıl Over Alaska Sparked Rumors Of A UFO Crasɦ

Pɦotos of a bızarre “cloud” above a mountaın ın Alaska (USA) sparked a flurrƴ of conspıracƴ tɦeorıes, rangıng from a UFO crasɦ to a “secret Russıan weapon”…