Dogs - Media News 48

Exploriпg Traditioпs: Womaп Marries Dog iп a Traditioпal Ceremoпy iп Iпdia

The coпcept of a dog aпd a hυmaп gettiпg married is coпsidered Ьіzаггe by maпy, bυt it seems that the idea is пot as far-fetched as oпe…

A touching story of a loyal dog begging for food alongside an elderly lady on the street that brings tears to everyone’s eyes

Amidst the bustling streets of a city, within the concrete jungle, there existed a homeless individual we’ll call John, who found himself in a dire predicament. Struggling…

In a cruel turn of events, an unfortunate creature becomes trapped in a small, confining space, a poignant story of captivity and the longing for freedom

On a fateful Saturday afternoon, as the rain poured down and the wind howled, a scene unfolded that would forever be etched in the hearts and minds…

Dog Missing Part Of Face Was Left For Abandoned By Owners, But A Life-Changing A Second

Dog Missing Part Of Face Was Left For Abandoned By Owners, But A Life-Changing A Second Everyone like beautiful dogs… However, all dogs are lovely on the…

Pooch Whose Face Was Destroyed by Fireworks Attack in Mexico Finds Hope and Healing in New Place

My dog’s got no nose… Pooch whose face was destroyed when thugs tied fireworks to its jaw in Mexico is saved by US charity after undergoing reconstructive…

Heartwarming Tale: A 90-Year-Old Grandmother Finds Daily Comfort in the Devotion of Her Loyal Dog

There is no doubt that dogs are among of the most loyal animals in the world, and the story of one devoted canine’s love and devotion to…

Guiding Heroically: Impatient Dog Grabs Buffalo’s Rope, Leading the Way Home with Care

There are numerous dog breeds, each excelling in different roles, from guarding property and herding cattle to assisting law enforcement. Even our household pets can be trained…

Powerful Demonstration of Maternal Love: Devoted Dog Guards Deceased Puppy on the Street, Moving Hearts and Igniting Compassion

In a heartwarming display of maternal instinct and unwavering love, a mother dog recently captivated the hearts of many as she fiercely guarded her injured puppy from…