Animals - Media News 48

Concerned officers see dog’s nose sticking out of water and rescue him with a difficulty

Many dogs get excited when taken to the beach. Some of them love swimming, some fighting against the waves. But if a dog owner decides to go…

Meet The Golden-breasted Starling: Covered Head To Tail In Bold, Vivid, Metallic Shades Of Green, Yellow, And Ultra-Violet Blue, This Bird Is Avian Royalty!

A beautiful bird covered head to tail in bold, vivid, metallic shades of green, yellow, and ultra-violet blue on the throat and wings. Meet the Golden-breasted Starling…

Puppy Born With Permanent Smile Stole REscuer’s Heart And Found Himself An Amazing Family

Every dog deserves to be cherished, but unfortunately not all dogs are lucky enough to urge the love and care that they desperately need, especially those that…

A Sublime Combination Of Metallic Blue And Yellow Is Unbelievably Enhanced When He Unleashes His Secret Weapon – Meet The Olive-backed Sunbird!

A highly attractive little bird who unleashes his secret weapon of apricot-colored feathers (usually concealed beneath the wings) and an iridescent blue throat right when he needs…

Meet the Malayan banded pitta: A striking colorful bird whose beauty is only enhanced by the burning orange eye line that burns like lava creating a glowing jewel of avian beauty!

The Malayan banded pitta (Hydrornis irena), is a species of bird in the Pittidae family. An extremely colorful bird that sports a black head with a yellow/orange streak above both eyes,…

Dog Creates A Huge Hole Under A Grave, But It’s Not For Any Deceased Owner

A distressed German Shepherd lingering around a person’s grave for days on end. Locals presumed that the faithful pooch was grieving her owner’s death, but the truth…

Meet the Crimson-collared Tanager: A beautiful velvety black bird with a bright bluish-white bill and a glossy crimson collar and rump, the Crimson-collared Tanager.

The Crimson-collared Tanager, Ramphocelus sanguinolentus, is a small Mesoamerican songbird. Averaging 19–20 cm (7.5–8 in) in length, adult plumage is black with a red collar covering the nape, neck,…

Owing so charmful curve, this girl makes everyone’s heart melt

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Meet the Palawan Peacock-Pheasant: Covered head to tail in vivid shades of blue and green, this bird tops of his stunning appearance off with a highly conspicuous mohawk, making him highly conspicuous wherever he goes.

The Palawan peacock-pheasant (Polyplectron napoleonis), is a medium-sized (up to 50 cm long) bird in the Phasianidae family . This bird has iridescent blue-green plumage topped off with an iridescent…

She Went Into Labor, Gave Birth on The Street Under Extreme Conditions And Amazing Transformations

Meet Monalisa! She is a young , homeless girl who has lived and roamed the streets since she was a puppy. She just gave birth to 10…