Animal Rescue - Media News 48

Mother elephant in labor! The herd of elephants curl up around the mother elephant to protect the newborn baby from prowling hyenas

When it comes to bodyguards, you really couldn’t do much better than these guys. In a heartwarming display, a mighty herd of elephants huddles around a female…

emeгɡeпсу Intervention: Brave Effort to гeѕсᴜe рoіѕoпed Elephant in Tsavo Conservation Area

In a Ьoɩd гeѕсᴜe operation, the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT) and the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) joined forces to save a bull elephant targeted by рoіѕoп…

California’s Lion Cubs: Twin Rescues as Orphaned Mountain Lions Saved After Tragic Car Collision Claims Mother

Tiny Mountain Lion Twins Rescued, Taken To Oakland Zoo ICU The cubs, named Willow and Maple, were left orphaned when their mother was killed on the highway….

The elephant with a severe neck wound from a trap was saved with love and kindness

In a commendable display of teamwork, the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT) successfully rescued an elephant cow ensnared by a deadly trap in Tsavo East. The vigilant…

Touched, the baby elephant cried for 5 hours when villagers rescued him from the well to reunite with his mother

This is the heartwarming moment a baby elephant was rescued from a well after it toppled in while trying get a drink of water. The four-month-old calf…

Fortunate! Sea Turtle Trapped Upside Down in Trench is Rescued in Time

  It was no easy chore for the volunteers because adult loggerheads weigh 350-pounds on average. This female had fallen into a trench on a rocky beach…

Heartwarming Moment: Traumatized Baby Chimp, Rescued from Traffickers, Seeks Comfort in Emotional Hug with Rescuer

Sometimes in life you just need a hug. That was definitely the case for Kailo, a rescued baby chimpanzee when he arrived at the Lwiro Primates Rehabilitation…

The elephant became stuck in the water with no way out after rescuers threw him an ingenious ladder made from rope, tires and stick

This is the ingenious moment a lost elephant was able to clamber onto a specially crafted rope ladder and escape from a canal. The elephant, estimated to…

Wow! That’s a big itch! Funny moment Elephant uses a concrete block to scrape the bottom in front of stunned tourists

A holidaymaker has captured hilarious footage of an elephant using a concrete water pump cover to scratch an itch on its backside. Anyone who’s ever had an…

Heart-Stopping Rescue: Urgent Efforts to Save Deer Trapped in Trash Can Lid Takes a Remarkable Turn as Rescuers Discover She’s on the Brink of Giving Birth

“We were immediately hit with that feeling of anxiousness and panic.” Wandering near a Florida suburb, an expectant mother deer gazed around a front yard, unsure of…