Ancient - Media News 48

Discover 72 million-year-old giant dinosaur tail in Mexican desert

A team of archaeologists has discovered the fossilized remains of a 72 million-year-old dinosaur tail in a desert in northern Mexico, it has been announced. The researchers…

250 mummies in coffins among latest discoveries from Egypt’s Saqqara treasure trove

Cairo — Egyptian archaeologists have revealed another massive haul of priceless artifacts from the Saqqara Necropolis, a bountiful site near Cairo that likely still holds untold secrets. On…

unearthed the remains of a high status male buried with unfathomable riches – more gold was found within this burial than in the entire rest of the world

Varna Man and the Wealthiest Grave of the 5th Millennium BC In the 1970s, archaeologists in Bulgaria stumbled upon a vast Copper Age necropolis from the 5th…

Discovery of the “Opening of the mouth” ceremony of Queen Nefertiti’s mummy shows immortality

Queen Nefertiti was the most powerful woman of her time and one of ancient Egypt’s most mysterious historical people. There is still much we don’t know about…

Human spines on sticks found in 500-year-old graves in Peru

Hundreds of years ago, Indigenous people in coastal Peru may have collected the scattered remains of their dead from desecrated graves and threaded reed posts through the…

The 2,000-Year-Old Tomb With “Flush Toilet And Refrigerator” Shocked Archaeologists

This king’s tomb was said to be lavish and ahead of its time.   The cluster of tombs of the Han Luong kings is located in the…

Medieval mystery: Archaeologists are baffled by a 14th-century Ьᴜгіаl on Chapelle Dom Hue

Archaeologists are Ьаffɩed by a 14th-century Ьᴜгіаɩ on Chapelle Dom Hue, a small islet once used as a monastic retreat. Because the ɡгаⱱe was so well constructed,…

Scientists ‘unwrapped’ An Ancient Egyptian Mummy Using Digital Technology

      Scientists used state-of-the-art medical technology to unveil the secrets beneath the wrappings of a 3,000-year-old mummy from ancient Egypt. In a study published at…

Ancient secrets of 3,000 year-old Egyptian priest are set to be revealed as his mummy is sent to Italian hospital for CT scan

Researchers believe they can reconstruct the life and death of the Egyptian priest and understand which kinds of products were used to mummify the body Researchers believe…

The Chinese mummy that aged 300 years in a day: Experts baffled by ‘perfectly preserved’ body that turned BLACK just hours after its coffin was opened

A 300-year-old burial area, in which two bodies were reduced to skeletons while one was perfectly preserved, has left Chinese archaeologists baffled. When one of the coffins…