Against All Odds: Turtle Overcomes 4kg Barnacle Burden and Near-Death in an Inspiring Tale of Unyielding Survival and Hope - Media News 48

Against All Odds: Turtle Overcomes 4kg Barnacle Burden and Near-Death in an Inspiring Tale of Unyielding Survival and Hope

Article image for Turtle covered in 4kg of barnacles brought back from the brink of death

On this World Turtle Day, we celebrate the extraordinary journey of Olivia, an endangered Loggerhead Turtle, and the inspiring partnership between Native Animal Rescue Broome, WIRES, and Woolworths.

140-Pound Turtle In Ocean City Falls Ill, Gets Rescued | Ocean City, NJ  Patch


When Olivia arrived at Native Animal Rescue Broome, she faced the dual challenge of being severely underweight and an encumbering 4kg of barnacles on her back. These barnacles hinted at underlying health issues and posed a threat to her wellbeing.

barnacle turtle

As Olivia’s rehabilitation progressed, her specialised diet became a crucial aspect of her recovery. Recognising the need for assistance, the Woolworths & WIRES Food For Wildlife Program extended a helping hand.

How do sea turtles get barnacles, Do Barnacles Hurt Turtles? (9 Important  Facts)


The peeling of the prawns was in fact a necessary part of Olivia’s recovery regime. As she desperately needed to gain weight and showed no interest in squid initially, they purposely hand-peeled the prawns as the shells can build up internally when these turtles are unwell and not digesting properly, which can cause stomach issues.

Rescue Sea Turtle, Removing Barnacles From Poor Sea Turtle [Animals,  Nature, Ocean, Moana] CHIKA BOY - YouTube



Thanks to the unwavering dedication of her carers and the support from Woolworths and WIRES, Olivia’s journey of recovery has been awe-inspiring. She successfully regained the much-needed weight, reaching 60 kilograms by the time of her release.

Witness Olivia’s incredible transformation

Hawksbill Sea Turtle, usually seen in the tropics, found stunned by cold on  NC coast

Olivia was released at Gantheuame Point, an iconic location along Cable Beach. Her return to the ocean marks a triumphant moment, serving as a reminder of the significance of wildlife conservation and the profound impact that collaboration and community involvement can have on protecting and preserving our precious marine life.


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