According to experts: The 600-foot-wide UFO on Mars discovered by NASA can still work - Media News 48

According to experts: The 600-foot-wide UFO on Mars discovered by NASA can still work

On the surface of Mars, a giant ancient 600-foot-wide UFO was recently discovered. After a thorough examination, the experts determined that it could still be used to zip around in if we could only get our hands on it.

Currently, we have teams from Russia, the United States, and China operating in space, so if they can recognize this as a significant discovery and recover it, we will be able to develop our existing technologies hundreds of years into the future, to say the least.

The discovery was made by a user called UFOvni2012 on November 21st, when he discovered the image below in the archives of the Mars Global Surveyor.

We know there’s something unusual about it because everyone else is shrouded in dust and sand, but this UFO sits above it all, unfazed.

Steve Wingate claims that the photograph is a fluke, and that it is just a rock structure rather than a UFO. What are your thoughts?

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