As seen on this clear footage of a real UFO with aliens - Media News 48

As seen on this clear footage of a real UFO with aliens

The majority of people have no idea what they’re looking at. I’m not sure what alien species we’re dealing with here, but it may be the Greys from the Zeta star systems.

This is the antigravity force field in action; the electric field motor can be heard rotating.

When the field’s rpm reached a certain level, the Grey applied a voltage DC charge to tubular capacitors above the rotating thorus field.

The higher the voltage, the quicker the take-off! On the takeoff, a small burst of charger plasma can be observed. In an antigravity force field, charged plasma ionized air is suspended.In our atmosphere, these incredible ships can fly at speeds of up to 30,000 miles per hour.

The greys were possibly aware that they had been noticed and were unsure how we, as primitive creatures, would respond.

We are delusional if we believe that Earth is the only world in the Universe with life. Not only are we not alone, but various alien species are currently residing among us. Others wish to take our spot, while others are assisting us in our transition to stage 2 civilisation.

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