11,000 people asked to drink “sacred water” in a 2,000-year-old coffin

2,000-year-old coffin was opened last week, and more than 11,000 individuals have signed a petition urging Egyptian officials to permit them to drink the red liquid within, which they claim is a “elixir of life.”

The coffin weighs about 27 tons, more than 2,000 years old

The coffin was found earlier this month and opened last week, despite speculation that it contained a mysterious curse and that “terrifying” the mummy could bring bad luck. The petition was launched soon after, and has so far attracted 11,000 participants.

Proponents of the petition claim that people can “drink the red liquid from the cursed coffin” to “receive the energy” of the “high class” of ancient Egypt. They believe that this liquid can act as a key to unlock unlimited sources of power.

The red-brown liquid inside the 2,000-year-old coffin was recently opened in Egypt

Egyptian authorities say the reddish-brown liquid is not “sacred water” that can make “eternal immortality”, but merely sewage.

The coffin weighs about 27 tons, is more than 2,000 years old and is believed to be from the Ptolemaic period, around 323 BC after Alexander the Great died. It is nearly 2m high, 3m long and is the largest coffin found by archaeologists intact.