Al Worden was an American astronaut and engineer who was the Command Module Pilot for the Apollo 15 lunar mission in 1971. He is one of only 24 people to have flown to the Moon.
The former Apollo 15 member said that not only were aliens real, but they had come to Earth in the distant past and created our civilization, and if we wanted to look for evidence, all we had to do was to look at ancient Sumerian literature.
In 2017, on a British TV show “Good Morning Britain,” he gave a shocking response when a host asked why to spend a lot of money on space missions when there are lots of problems on Earth. He was asked if he believed aliens were real. The answer probably surprised everyone watching the interview.

“We are the aliens, but we just think they are somebody else. But we are the ones who came from somewhere else, because somebody else had to survive, and they got into little spacecraft then they came here and landed, and they started civilization here.
“And if you don’t believe me, go get books on Ancient Sumerians and see what they had to say. They’ll tell you right up front,” Worden added.
More interestingly, according to Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, an intergalactic space battle took place in the solar system millions of years ago involving super-evolved aliens.
Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts author Dr. Joseph P. Farrell says there is ample evidence of cataclysmic and catastrophic destruction in the solar system. He suggests that there were two space wars, one 65 million years ago and the other 3.2 million years ago.
Joseph Farrell is an Oxford-educated historian specializing in alternative history, World War II and secret technology. After a lifelong interest in alternative history, science and ancient texts, Joseph began to write on these topics.
Rejecting the naturalistic and materialistic assumptions about catastrophism put forward by other researchers, Dr. Farrell says it’s time to take the ancient myths of space warfare in the heavens seriously.
Using extraterrestrial artifacts, advanced ideas of modern physics and texts of ancient myths in his arguments, he argues that an ancient interplanetary war was fought in our own solar system using weapons of extraordinary power and complexity.
Many scholars and authors of ancient history have mentioned the so-called “Technology of the Gods”, which includes not only the mystical flying machine “Vimana“, but also the powerful weapons of the gods, such as the “Vajra”, an artifact of the Anunnaki gods that shoots lightning.
In the book, Dr. Farrell mentions the ancient Sumerian god Ninurta wielding “lightning,” which is a replica of an electrical discharge produced in a modern laboratory that experiments with plasma physics.
Dr. Farrell argued that the echoes of this space war are reflected in the ancient texts of the Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, biblical texts, the Vedic tradition, as well as in the mythology of the New World, from the Maya and Aztecs to the myths of some indigenous North American tribes.

Clay tablets from Ancient Sumer in cuneiform script tell the tale of the Annunaki
But think about it: the oldest texts from the ancient Near East are perhaps 4,000 to 5,000 years old. Vedic texts can be 5000 or 6000 years old. In addition, purely oral traditions can push information back several thousand years.
It’s a long time, but it’s nothing compared to 3.2 million years. It is incredibly ridiculous to consider the connection between an ancient manuscript of 6000 years ago and events that took place 65 million years ago.
It sounds unacceptable that all civilizations, high and low, such as the Egyptians, Mongols, various Chinese dynasties, the Roman Empire, the Incas and Aztecs, have come and gone in just the last few thousand years.
It is true that traces of tradition and mythology have survived for thousands of years. British psychologist and author Stan Gooch, who is probably best known as a proponent of the “hybrid origin theory” of human evolution, makes a more convincing case that much of our fundamental culture today is based on and actually descended from the extinct race of Neanderthals, the last of which became extinct about 20,000 to 30,000 years ago.
Gooch said that modern man does not know and / or has forgotten the origin of his primary, fundamental cultural attributes (such as the development of the Zodiac and various theological concepts) and much more.

But that doesn’t help Dr. Farrell. As for him, even 20,000-30,000 years is nothing. Neanderthals had about 250,000 successful species. But for Dr. Farrell, that’s nothing.
According to leading scientists, the origin of Homo sapiens is about 200,000 years old. However, Dr. Farrell states that the legends have been passed down by one civilization or another for 3.2 million years.
Although there are proponents of alternative archeology such as Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson who say that the human species is actually billions of years old. Unfortunately, such statements are certainly on edge, to say the least.
But Dr. Farrell’s space war scenario takes a huge advantage in the work of physicist Dr. John Brandenburg (he’s a brilliant and accomplished plasma physicist who earned his Ph.D. from UC Davis in 1981).
Dr. John Brandenburg has published two controversial books, Death on Mars and Life and Death on Mars, in which he provides a highly scientific and highly technical justification for the fact that Mars was destroyed by nuclear weapons millions of years ago as part of some interstellar cosmic conflict.
Brandenburg said that Mars was destroyed when some advanced extraterrestrial race dropped two million-megaton bombs that exploded at strategic locations about 20 miles above the surface of Mars.
If he’s right, that would benefit Dr. Farrell’s theory of ancient space warfare, but there’s a serious problem.
According to Dr. Brandenburg, Mars was hit by a nuclear attack 251 million years ago. This is not consistent with Dr. Farrell’s time frame of 3.2 million and 65 million years ago. However, Dr. Farrell can find something in his book.
According to the late Dr. Tom Van Flandern, an American astronomer specializing in celestial mechanics for the US Naval Observatory, the planet between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter exploded about 65 million years ago, or another 3.2 million years ago. He finds some way to formulate his space war scenario in terms of a time scenario of, say, 10,000 to 15,000 years.
“I believe Van Flandern’s exploding planet hypothesis makes sense only if one is willing to accept an unnatural explanation. Of course, this is heretical on several levels, since the explanation must somehow include the presence of potential artifacts on Mars, as well as a supposed high-tech culture on Mars’ former parent.
“Oddly enough, the climax of Eando Binder’s cosmic pyramid mystery comes to mind. In Binder’s novel, the asteroid belt was formed by a targeted gravitational attack that used the energy of the entire solar system. The pyramids of were, in fact, gravitational generators used to manipulate space-time,” wrote Dr. Farrell.
This is the least that can be said about Dr. Farrell’s space war. But in doing so, he offers the solution to a mystery that has long puzzled researchers, revealing the cause of this ancient war, the means by which it was waged, and the true nature of the secret technology behind the ancient Tablets of Destiny.