There may have been proof of life on Venus when a group of Russian scientists examined a number of images taken from the planet’s surface.
There may have been proof of life on Venus when a group of Russian scientists examined a number of images taken from the planet’s surface.

By analyzing panoramic images of the surface of Venus collected by Soviet spacecraft Venera-9, Venera-10, Venera-13, and Venera-1 between 1975 and 1982, scientists discovered what appeared to be moving objects with a continuous structure.

The creatures resembled terrestrial creatures like lizards and scorpions in their forms.

Our knowledge of the world as a whole would be profoundly affected and transformed by the discovery of life on other planets. a revolution similar to the one that happened when humans first went into space.
The theory put up by the Russian scientists is based on the idea that the conditions needed for life to emerge on other planets may be very unlike from those on Earth.
There may have been proof of life on Venus when a group of Russian scientists examined a number of images taken from the planet’s surface. By examining panoramic images of the surface of Venus acquired by the Soviet spacecraft Venera-9, Venera-10, and others, scientists discovered what appeared to be moving objects with a continuous structure.