With a Heart Full of Hope, an 18-Year-Old Dog Dreams of Finding a Loving Home for His Final Years



Life for an older dog can be full of difficulties if they don’t have the support of kind people willing to serve them, but above all, love them in their golden years.


Days of playing in the park turn into quiet afternoons, snuggled up in a soft blanket and getting all the attention they deserve.

However, the reality for many older furry friends is completely different. There are those who spend their golden years in a shelter waiting to be part of a family.

This is the story of Kane, an 18-year-old dog who just wants to love and be loved. He spends his days at Kiss My Paws Rescue in Las Vegas, where volunteers are doing everything they can to find him the perfect home, as well as raising awareness and encouraging people to adopt older dogs.

This adorable little dog is a pitbull mix. His advanced age has left him with some illnesses. He is deaf, has arthritis, bad teeth, can’t see out of one eye and is going blind in the other.

It is no secret that a young and healthy dog ​​is very attractive to potential adopters. They may spend only days in the shelter until they find their ideal person, while older and sick dogs may spend months to be adopted.

Sandy comments that this has increased recently due to the economy, many people cannot pay rent and are forced to move to smaller apartments where dogs are not allowed.

Caring for an elderly and sick dog means a lot of trips to the vet, paying bills and medications, as well as food and the basic care that every furry friend requires.

Kane, like all other puppies, needs to spend his golden years with someone who loves him unconditionally. That’s why Kiss My Paws Rescue offers to cover all of Kane’s needs until he’s ready to cross the rainbow.