“Welcome to the world” – Rare White Lion Cubs Born at Sanctuary, Symbolizing Hope After Parents’ Rescue from Circus

Meet Simba and Nala, a pair of white lion cubs who were born

Extremely Rare White Lion Cubs Born at Sanctuary After Parents Got Rescued  From Circus | The Epoch Times

This is a very happy outcome since they are the offspring of a pair of adult lions who were rescued from a circus and saved from a terrible life

Cute: White lion cubs rest on a towel in the office of the director of Yalta Zoo in the Ukraine. The ultra-rare cats were all born a fortnight ago to tawny coloured parents

Cute: White lion cubs rest on a towel in the office of the director of Yalta Zoo in the Ukraine. The ultra-rare cats were all born a fortnight ago to tawny coloured parents

Chilling out: A white lion cub cuddles up to a teddy bear

Chilling out: A white lion cub cuddles up to a teddy bear

Infant: A zoo keeper holds a white lion cub at feeding time

Infant: A zoo keeper holds a white lion cub at feeding time

White lions are not albinos. Like blue eyes in humans, the animals’ white colour is caused by a recessive gene shared by both parents.

Hungry: The tawny lioness mother didn't produce enough milk to feed her cubs so zookeepers give them a bottle every two hours

Hungry: The tawny lioness mother didn’t produce enough milk to feed her cubs so zookeepers give them a bottle every two hours

Someone needs a bib: A white lion cub drools some of its formula milk during feeding time

Someone needs a bib: A white lion cub drools some of its formula milk during feeding time

Surprised: Yalta Zoo Director Oleg Zubkov holds a white lion cub. Staff were not expecting the ultra rare white big cats

Surprised: Yalta Zoo Director Oleg Zubkov holds a white lion cub. Staff were not expecting the ultra rare white big cats

Adopted: Mr Zubkov and his wife Olga care for the animals in his office at the zoo

Adopted: Mr Zubkov and his wife Olga care for the animals in his office at the zoo

White lions are native to only the Greater Timbavati region of South Africa, an area characterised by white sandy riverbeds and long grass scorched pale by the sun.

Majestic: A male white lion raised in captivity and reintroduced to the wild yawns as he basks in the hot African sun

Majestic: A male white lion raised in captivity and reintroduced to the wild yawns as he basks in the hot African sun