Video: The fifth-generation “F-22” fighter is displayed by Turkey as it is produced

Turkey will become the next country after the US, Russia, China, and South Korea to have its fifth-generation fighter jet. Turkey’s intentions for its fighter have been known for years, but for the first time, photos from the assembly line of the prototype being developed have been officially revealed.


Turkey had ordered a hundred American F-35 fighter jets. Many Turkish enterprises from the local economy developed parts and components for the American fighter. Turkey was kicked out of the program, affecting both the local economy and Washington, because it had to quickly find manufacturers of the same Turkish components, at the same price and for the same period.

Without a fifth-generation fighter to replace Turkey’s fleet of F-16 Fighting Falcons, Ankara has given the TF-X project a fast track. Ankara also had to contend with US influence over other countries producing aircraft components, engines, and materials. But Turkey was able to get two GE F110 engines from the US because it had pre-ordered them.


