Upon stepping into the һoѕріtаɩ, the mother swiftly gave birth, leaving the doctors astonished at the unexpectedly rapid pace of delivery. Di

The only thing predictable about birth is that it is unpredictable. And being in labor for 6 days was definitely not something that Irma predicted when she planned for the birth of her first baby!
But she continued on, day after day, trusting in God’s timing. After days of powerful contractions and not yet progressing past 4cm, she and her husband made the decision to transfer from a planned home birth to hospital care.

With an epidural, pitocin, and lots of position changes as suggested by her birth team, she progressed overnight and met her sweet boy the next morning!

Whitney encouraged Irma to continue incorporating movement and position changes into her labor, even with the epidural. She and the nurses helped her into a side-lying release position to help open the brim of the pelvis.

With an epidural, pitocin, and lots of position changes as suggested by her birth team, she progressed overnight and met her sweet boy the next morning!

Whitney encouraged Irma to continue incorporating movement and position changes into her labor, even with the epidural. She and the nurses helped her into a side-lying release position to help open the brim of the pelvis.

Irma: Women don’t get enough recognition for the work we do. I’ve been in the Navy ten years, but nothing compares to having a baby. This was the hardest, most honored achievement in my book.