Unknown giant sea creatures spotted in the Pacific! - Media News 48

Unknown giant sea creatures spotted in the Pacific!

In a video taken from one of the helicopters, it can be seen that the sea monsters are of unknown species of enormous proportions

Two enormous sea animals were sighted swimming gently on the surface of the ocean in the Pacific


The Internet is lots of unusual and entertaining videos, but what recently appeared on the platforms gives anybody who watches it goosebumps.

Two enormous sea animals were sighted swimming gently on the surface of the ocean in the Pacific.


Several helicopters follow the sea monsters in the footage. Judging by the dimensions of the animals relative to the planes, these are creatures of monstrous proportions!

Scientists are still unsure what kind of organisms they are, but judging by their appearance, it is clear that they are not fish.

Humans have not yet studied everything hidden in the depths of the ocean. Therefore it is not surprising that we were taken aback when two unknown creatures surfaced on the water’s surface.

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