Unexplained Skies: Mysterious Triangular Entity, Resembling Nibiru, Alights Indian Skies – An Enigmatic Spectacle Ignites Curiosity and Speculation - Media News 48

Unexplained Skies: Mysterious Triangular Entity, Resembling Nibiru, Alights Indian Skies – An Enigmatic Spectacle Ignites Curiosity and Speculation

Conspiracy theorists believe that this triangular entity could be Nibiru that could hit earth causing massive devastation everywhere

YouTube: Sharad Acharya

A strange and mysterious clip apparently taken from India is now the hottest debating point among conspiracy theorists and alien enthusiasts. This short video clip initially shared on YouTube by a user named ‘Sharad Acharya’ shows a triangular glowing entity hovering in the skies.

“This is something different. This is not the sun. I believe this is not a UFO, this is something else,” says the eyewitness in the video.

The video later gained publicity after it was shared by conspiracy theory YouTube channel ‘Mavixxx’. As the clip went viral, conspiracy theorists started putting forward various theories explaining the bizarre sky sighting.

Most of the conspiracy theorists argued that Planet Nibiru alias wormwood has now appeared in the skies, and the earth is soon going to witness a series of natural disasters. Conspiracy theorists believe that Nibiru is a rogue killer planet that has been lurking at the edges of the solar system, and it is now on a collision course towards the earth.

“These are the biblical signs in the heavens Christ warned of before his coming as the planet x/Nibiru system has invaded our solar system God will use this planet system called the planet x system to bring judgment on the Earth. The only way to escape that’s by accepting Christ as Lord,” commented Brandon cory Nagley, a YouTube user.

“The Red Dragon is getting close! Wormwood-Nibiru! Great capture,” commented Kingdom of Hope, another YouTuber.

Some other people claimed that the glowing UFO could be actually an alien spaceship from deep space. These people believe that extraterrestrials are all set to invade the world, and these sightings are all indications.

Even though the video is now getting positive response from conspiracy theorists, experts have dismissed both the Nibiru and the alien angle. As per skeptics, the strange structure is actually the result of the sun’s rays penetrating through the clouds.

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