Unbelievable Footage: Leopard Jumps from Dizzy Height to Steal Kill from Her Mother

A little leopard’s bravery and agility is jaw dropping as she jumped from a dizzy height to steal her mother’s kill

Thabisani Buthelezi a safari guide at MalaMala Game Reserve caught the incredible display on camera and shared it with LatestSightings.com.

“It was a beautiful morning, and my guests and I had just come across a female leopard and her cub perched high up in a tree. The mother had just made a kill, a small antelope, and was busy feasting on it while her cub watched intently.”

Leopards are known for their incredible agility in trees. They are able to climb up vertical trunks with ease, and move effortlessly from branch to branch. Their flexible bodies allow them to contort themselves in ways that most animals can’t, making them excellent hunters and climbers.

“The mother leopard was enjoying her meal when suddenly, her cub decided it was time to have a piece of the action. She made her way over to her mother and tried to grab a piece of the antelope. The mother, not willing to share her hard-earned meal, growled and swatted her cub away.”

Leopard family dynamics are also fascinating. Leopards are solitary animals, but they do form bonds with their offspring. Mother leopards will take care of their cubs for up to two years, teaching them how to hunt and survive on their own.


However, when it comes to food, it’s every leopard for themselves. Cubs will often try to steal food from their mothers, which can lead to some tense moments. But ultimately, it’s all part of the learning process for the cubs, as they will eventually have to fend for themselves in the wild.

Leopard jumps from tree to steal mothers kill!

“Little did we know that we were about to witness an astonishing display of agility, bravery, and cunning. Undeterred, the little leopard waited for her moment. And then it happened. In a split second, the little leopard leaped, snatching the kill from her mother.”

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“In an attempt to scamper away before her mother could react. The little leopard leaped out of the tree from an incredible height. Landing on her feet she made a run for it with the kill she had just stolen.”