Unbelievable Alchemy: Scorpion Transformed into Copper Found in Arizona Mine, Defying Explanation with Its Astonishing Metamorphosis - Media News 48

Unbelievable Alchemy: Scorpion Transformed into Copper Found in Arizona Mine, Defying Explanation with Its Astonishing Metamorphosis

The Mystery of the Copper Scorpion

The Mystery of the Scorpion That Turned Into Copper Found in an Arizona Mine!

A recently-surfaced image of a copper scorpion has been causing quite a stir online. The image, which appears to show a perfectly preserved scorpion made of solid copper, has been shared widely on social media, with many people believing that it is a genuine natural object.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that the copper scorpion is a genuine fossil. In fact, there are several reasons to believe that it is a hoax.

First, the scorpion’s shape is too perfect. The scorpion’s exoskeleton is made of chitin, which is a soft material that is easily destroyed. If the scorpion had been replaced by copper, the copper would have filled in the spaces between the exoskeleton’s plates, making the scorpion’s shape look smooth and uniform. However, the scorpion’s shape is actually quite rough, with sharp edges and ridges. This suggests that the scorpion was not replaced by copper, but was instead molded out of copper.

Second, the scorpion’s body is filled with air bubbles. If the scorpion had been replaced by copper, the copper would have filled in all of the air bubbles, making the scorpion’s body solid. However, the scorpion’s body is still filled with air bubbles, which suggests that it is not made of solid copper.

The copper scorpion

Third, the scorpion’s exoskeleton is not corroded. If the scorpion had been buried in the ground for millions of years, its exoskeleton would have been corroded by the elements. However, the scorpion’s exoskeleton is not corroded at all, which suggests that it is not a genuine fossil.

The photo was accompanied by a caption that claimed that the scorpion was found in a mine in southern Arizona. However, there is no record of any such find. The mine where the scorpion is said to have been found does not even exist.

The copper scorpion was on display at the 2019 Tucson Gem And Mineral Show.Photo by: MMNREMuseum/Twitter

Here are some additional points that support the claim that the copper scorpion is a hoax:

  • The scorpion’s claws are perfectly straight, which is not something that is seen in real scorpions.
  • The scorpion’s tail is curled up in a very unnatural way.
  • The scorpion’s stinger is missing.
  • The scorpion’s exoskeleton is completely smooth, with no signs of weathering or damage.

In conclusion, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that the copper scorpion is a genuine fossil. The object is more likely to be a hoax, either a molded copper sculpture or a fake fossil created using casting techniques.

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